Wednesday, March 6, 2013

[TABLEAU] Creating An Interactive Dashboard

Creating an Interactive Dashboard

With large or complex data sources, you may have difficulties reviewing the detailed views. To see these views more clearly, you can create an interactive dashboard to limit the data shown. Using Tableau's interactive features, you can use one overview worksheet to filter the customer-level detail of interest. 

In the example below, you use Product 1 - Category, Product 2 - Sub-Category, and Customer Segment to limit the detailed view.

Create an overview worksheet

A simple and easy way to display categorical outliers is by using a heat map.

Step 1
Connect to the Superstore sample.

Step 2
Hold down the Ctrl key, and select Product 1 - Category, Product 2 - Sub-Category, Customer Segment, Sales, and Profit, and then click Show Me!.

Step 3
In the Show Me! dialog box, select the Heat Map view, and then click OK.

The Show Me function creates a heat map.

Step 4
Right-click one of the Customer Segment labels at the top, and select Rotate Label so that the labels display more clearly.

Step 5
Right-click the sheet tab, select Rename Sheet, and type Heat Map.

Create a detail worksheet

In this example, you can drill into customer-based detail. One way to do this is to focus on the top 25 customers in sales.

Step 1
Select Edit > New Worksheet.

Step 2
From the Dimensions pane, drag Customer Name and Customer State onto the Rows shelf of the new worksheet.

Step 3
From the Measures pane, drag Sales onto the Columns shelf.

Step 4
On the Rows shelf, right-click Customer Name and select Sort.

Step 5
In the Sort dialog box, under Sort order, select Descending.

Step 6
Under Sort by, select Field; keep the default settings of Sales and Sum.

Step 7
When finished, click OK.

Step 8
Right-click the sheet tab, select Rename Sheet, and type Customer Details.
Now you have a long bar chart of every customer of Superstore, along with how much they have spent.

Create the dashboard

Next, you create the dashboard that filters the customer list to only the results you want.

Step 1
Select Edit > New Dashboard.

Step 2
In the Dashboard pane, double-click Heat Map, then drag Customer Details to the right side of the dashboard and release when a thick black right border appears.

The two worksheets are placed side by side.

Step 3
Drag the Color Legend to the bottom of the Heat Map so it is easy to read.

Step 4
Click the menu arrow on Heat Map and select Use as Filter.

With this selection, the Customer Details are filtered based on your selections in the Heat Map.

Step 5
Click any label on either axis in the heat map to see the Customer Details view refresh to display data about your selection

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