Wednesday, October 17, 2012

[OBIEE 11g] Action Link Menu

OBIEE 11g- Action Link Menu  

OBIEE 11g provides a good feature to show the links in drop down. This option can come into picture when we are navigating to a separate report/page/web pages etc.

This reduces the dashboard complexity by displaying more links on the page and consuming the space in the page. We can open the new analysis in the same window or to a new window.
Here is simple Action Link Menu creation.

In the dashboard page, edit and drag the Action Link Menu object into the dashboard.

You can find the properties to add to the Action Link Menu

Clicking on the Green (+) symbol will give the number of separate links to be navigated.

I am preferring to provide Google and OTN navigation from these links.

Save the page settings and click on the Links Menu and you will find the sub menus attached.


1 comment:

  1. Como podrĂ­a tener una url dinĂ¡mica, es decir con las direcciones almacenadas en una columna de una tabla?
