Integrating OBIEE and Google Maps and
Drilling to Dashboards
integrate Google maps into an OBIEE application the users requested the ability
to look at a Map of the US and see concentrations of points on a map. They
wanted to see at a national level where incidents they were interested in were
located. They also wanted the ability to zoom in and see exactly where each
incident occurred. Another solution to meet the requirement is by Integrating OBIEE and Google Maps with the MarkerClusterer
API. This is another example of the same clustering map on our system but with
more navigation enabled.
a user zooms into a level on the map that has single location icons they have
the ability to click on the icon and see some basic information about the event
The user can then decide if more information is
needed. By clicking on the text in the popup the user is directed to a new
dashboard showing the origin, destination, and location of an incident. The
following dashboard has another report that plots three addresses on a Google
map, and allows for further navigation to company information or a BI publisher
report on the incident details.
above shows you what the user can do with map interaction now let’s look at the
code as to how it is done. We will start with some basics I mentioned in the
last blog.
- First we geocoded our addresses and stored latitudes and longitudes for each data point we wanted to map. If you do not geocode the addresses you really need to work with less points (less than 1000) and the results will take much longer. The code is based on having lat and longs.
- Then we created a query that has the company facility name and internal company number (used for navigation), lat and long, and a piece of data called rank for displaying on the single points in the map. The RSUM(1) is used for displaying if more that 3000 rows could be displayed in the map.
this drill down is based on the clustering API the code reflects that API. Note
it is not necessary to use the clustering API as the basic Google Maps API
allows on click events.
heavy lifting is done in a narrative view using JavaScript, the Google maps
API, and the MarkerCluster API
- Get a Google Maps API Key from: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html. Google maps API uses a key generated based on the IP and name from the calling server, so be sure you are on your web server when obtaining this. Get a key based on your own OBIEE server address.
- Create a narrative view and make sure you mark the contains HTML Markup checkbox
I will add all the code after we examine the
parts of the code dedicated to the pop up box and link to a dashboard.
initialize1(lat, long, cnt, ncident_num, incident_dt, incident_sev)
This initializes the values from the query
using this from the narrative and basing the values from the order of column in
the criteria tab.
point1 = new GLatLng(lat, long);
marker = createMarker(point1,incident_num,incident_dt,incident_sev);
marker = createMarker(point1,incident_num,incident_dt,incident_sev);
This code initializes the
single data points to display on the map and stores the incident number, date,
and severity on the data point to display in the popup.
if (cnt == 1 )
var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map1, markers);
function createMarker(point, popuphtml, date, severity)
var marker = new GMarker(point);
GEvent.addListener(marker, “click”, function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(“” + “Incident Number: ” + popuphtml +”
” + “Incident Date: ” + date+ ““);});
return marker;
var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map1, markers);
function createMarker(point, popuphtml, date, severity)
var marker = new GMarker(point);
GEvent.addListener(marker, “click”, function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(“” + “Incident Number: ” + popuphtml +”
” + “Incident Date: ” + date+ ““);});
return marker;
This code runs for each data point to show and displays the point,
the popup box, and the on click event of navigating to the incident dashboard.
The dashboard link is passing the prompts for the next dashboard. The popuphtml
is a variable for incident number from the criteria.
set the max rows to a number less than 5000.
subsequent map is a little more straight forward, as it does not have the
MapCluster API embedded.
map has 3 different addresses describing the same event plotted with 3
different icons.
Criteria for this map has 3 locations latitude and longitudes
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