Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Python Installation (Windows)

Python Installation in Windows
Python is an interpreter language, developed to remove the complexity of other programming languages.
The simplicity and robustness in Python, extends its application in web programming, Hardware, applications and statistical analysis. etc,.
Python installation is bit simple, but involves a bit glitches when you want to configure the flexibility.
Download Python (Clicking on this link will redirect to the Python download website)
Python 2.7.11 is the most compatible version, and it allows flexibility for various applications.
Now click on the Setup file and the process is bit self explanatory.
After set up is completed it creates a folder in C directory.
Now open Advanced system settings from Control Panel.


Press Ok and save the setting. Now re-direct to command prompt and type Python
This should display command prompt as above screenshot.

Python Installation Packages
Python installation packages are packages developed, which have classes and methods.
Most of the cases they are pre-built to for various other operations.


pip-Win is a tiny Python Package manager that is super easy to install. It automatically installs pip and virtualenv on Windows and its GUI lets you:
  • switch from one python interpreter (i.e. version) to another (including py and pypy)
  • see all installed packages, and whether they are up-to-date
  • install or upgrade a package, or upgrade pip itself
  • create and delete virtual environments, and switch between them
  • run the IDLE or another python script, with the selected interpreter
pip-Win is made available under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.

pip-win_1.7.exe, then execute it to launch pip-Win.  Follow these instructionsif you are behind a proxy that prevents pip-Win from downloading files.  Feel free to create additional shortcuts to the file where you find it most convenient.
You can also create the pip-win executable from source code, using NSIS.     

If you are not behind a proxy, you are advised to immediately upgrade your distribute/pip/virtualenv version : 
  • run pip-Win, type upgrade in the command field and click Run.  
  • select another Python interpreter in the first list box, and click Run again. Repeat for each interpreter.
Also, the installation of some Python packages require a C++ compiler. Here is how to install this compiler (source):
  • for 32-bit Python : 
  • for 64-bit Python:
    • Python 3.3, install the full version of Visual Studio 2010. 
    • For Python 3.2 and older, install the full version of Visual Studio 2008. 
    • Make sure that you check the “x64 Compilers and Tools” option under Visual C++.

It would create scripts file in the C directory.
Add the path to environment variables similar to python path.
Now type pip install <package name>, to see the command is working


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