Wednesday, December 12, 2012

[OBIEE 11g] Scale Axis Limits[Graph Properties]


Scale Axis Limits in Obiee11g [Graph Properties]

To get basic understanding of Chart Views, now called as Graph View in OBIEE11g and properties of these graphs. 

1. Select the required columns from the subject area.

Then click on Results Tab and it looks like as follows

Then Select on new View and click on Graph  --> Line

Then it looks like as follows

Now click on  edit view and it will display the page as follows

Then click on Edit Graph Properties as below

Then choose Scale tab under Graph properties as follows

Then Choose Axis Limits: Specify

Then Specify Minimum and Maximum values(For Example Here Minimum value is 5000 and Maximum value is 75000)

Then click on besides Scale Markers

Then it displays as follows


Click on button to add Markers

Here in Scale Markers page we can setup in two types
1)   Line
2)   Range
Type: Line

Caption: Value at 20000(Any appropriate caption)
Type: Line
Width: 3px
Position: 20000(Specify any required value)
Color: Specify any required color

Like this we can Add any number of Markers according to our Requirement by clicking on button
Here adding another Marker as 
Caption: Value at 30000(Any appropriate caption)
Type: Line
Width: 3px
Position: 30000(Specify any required value)
Color: Specify any required color
Now it looks like as follows 

Then click on Ok Button and also click on Ok button in Graph Properties and it displays page as follows   


In the same manner we can use Range option to setup the Markers

Type: Range

Caption: Between 10000 and 15000(Any appropriate caption)
Type: Range
Low: 10000(Specify any required value)
High: 15000(Specify any required value)
Color: Specify any required color

Like this we can Add any number of Markers according to our Requirement by clicking on button

Here adding another Marker as 

Caption: Between 20000 and 25000(Any appropriate caption)
Type: Range
Low: 20000(Specify any required value)
High: 25000(Specify any required value)
Color: Specify any required color

Now it looks like as follows

Then click on Ok Button and also click on Ok button in Graph Properties and it displays page as follows



  1. Hi,

    Is there any Option to put the value at that line end.

    Ex: Just imagine that the two lines you plotted are UCL and LCL and I want to display the UCL & LCL values at the end of the line.


  2. Hi,

    How can we add text when Rollover on Graph ? do we have any standard functionality for this ?

