Friday, August 28, 2020

How to create an Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Packages

Creating a simple ODI package containing some of the following steps. Before you can create your ODI package, make sure you are logged into ODI and locate within Designer your project.

Once you located your project highlight “Packages” and right click your mouse.  You will have 2 options to choose from, select “New Package.”

Once you have done the following you will now be able to create your ODI package.  Before doing so, you will need to enter a name for your ODI package.

Once you have clicked the Diagram tab you will now be able to add the ODI steps that will create your package.

Now that you’re ready to create your package I want to go over ODI package toolbar.

Within the toolbar you have your “Free Choice” which is your pointer I like to call it.  This allows you to drag and drop your ODI steps.

The two green lines allow you to view hidden links between steps after a successful step.

The two red lines allow you to view hidden links between steps after a failed step.

The OK green line will allow the ODI package to move to the next step once the pervious step has ran successfully.

The KO red line is the link in which will allow the ODI package to move to the next step once the pervious step has ran unsuccessfully or failed.

The next option allows you to duplicate and steps you make have within your package.

The trashcan is used to delete any steps.

The next step after the trashcan is the reorganized option in which allows you to organize the steps within your package.

The pencil option allows you to edit linked objects.

The next option allows you to execute a single step.

The thunderbolt within the yellow box will allow you to execute your package.

The next 3 options will allow you to print your package, make page configurations and will show you any warnings within your package that will need to be addressed.

Before creating your ODI package, one thing I want to mention is the “Toolbox” section on the top left hand corner.  ODI offers a lot of functions in which you can use for your package.

In our example, I have created a simple VARDEPTNO variable in which we will be using in our package.



To add the variable to your ODI package just simply drag and drop the variable to your ODI package.

Now to do this select the step in which you would like to execute first, then right mouse click.  A list of options will appear.  Select “First Step.”

Click on the Ok option in your tool bar and link your steps.

Your ODI package should look like the following so far.

Here We took One Mapping Filter it acts like interface

Now that you dragged two ODIOutFile steps to your package before we configure these steps add a successful link from M_Filter to one of your ODIoutfile .

Here we need to duplicate the Odioutfile to get failure message.


and add a unsuccessful link from M_Filter to one of your ODIoutfile steps.


Your package should look like the following

Now Excute Your Package Within the ODI toolbar you can click on the thunderbolt within the yellow box will allow you to execute your package.



Finally if the package runs successfully then odioufile component returns text message as success within given target path or else it returns failure message .




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