Friday, October 2, 2020

Reusable Mapping in ODI 12c


When you create a Reusable mapping , in the Components section, you will find 2 extra components

1.       Input Signature

2.       Output Signature


Drag input signature into Mapping design and create 3 new columns as sal,comm,empno by clicking on +

Take an expression to derivation as per your requirement ( here my requirement to find Total sal  ( comm + sal)


Now drag Output signature to Mapping and link Expression to Output signature save it ( we will not execute Reusable mapping)

Now create a original mapping and call reusable mapping here in original mapping..

Here we have taken Source as Emp and called Reusable mapping and link input columns (sal,comm,empno) , as it is already having internal derivation to calculate total salary , it will be calculated automatically no need to write logic again here.

Now drag target Table to mapping and link output signature to it ..

Physical diagram looks like below ..

Save and execute


It will be executed successfully


Note : Reusable Mapping are not used for any performance but if you want to write same logic in Multiple  mappings instead of writing logic in each mapping you can create one reusable mapping  and call to required mappings..