OBIEE11g Best Rules: RPD-Physical Layer
Physical Layer
- Clear the cache check box
Using cache should be a last
resource, reconsider your data model and ETL processes first!
- Always use “Foreign Key” joins,
not “Complex Joins” on the Physical Layer
If your join looks like D_DATE =
TRUNC(S_DATETIME) try add a extra column S_DATE in your DWH. Any matching
processing done by the BI-server costs time and you often loose the advantage
of an index in your DWH.
- Prefix your tables
When modelling a star-schema
data-model, create aliases for all your physical tables (prefixed with either
“Dim_”, “Fact_” or “Fact_Agg_” )
- Physical Display Folder
Use Physical Display Folder to
organise your stars
- Call Interface
When possible, configure your
connection pools to use a “native driver” to connect to your physical
databases. For example, use OCI for connecting to an Oracle database rather
than ODBC.
- Parameterize your data source name
This way you only have to change it
in one place when moving from development to production.
- 3NF in DWH
Try to avoid doing 3NF to Star
Schema Modelling in the Physical Layer. Flatten the table if possible during
the ETL or in a view on the database.
- Connecting User
The User you use to connect to your
data should by default not by the “owner” of the table, but should have only
select rights trough a role.
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