Best Rules: RPD-Presentation Layer
- Common dimension
When you have multiple Subject
Areas, list the common dimensions in the same order across all the
Subject Areas
- Time dimension first:
Since the time/calendar dimension is
often the main aggregator make it the first in your presentation layer list.
- No prefixes:
Presentation Table names within each
Subject Area must not begin with “Dim – “ or “Fact –“ or “Fact Compound –“. So
remove these prefixes if they are present after creating the Subject Area by
dragging Logical Tables directly from the Business Model.
- Identify your facts:
The Presentation Table containing
your facts should be listed right at the bottom, and the Presentation Table
name should contain words like “Measures” or “Facts”
- Ensure logical relationship:
There should be absolutely no
possibility whatsoever of a user selecting objects from a Subject Area that
have no logical relationship. So, if there are any objects within the same
Subject Area that cannot co-exist in the same report, then your Subject Area
design is incorrect!
- Split over multiple subject area:
Within OBIEE11g report can be build
using multiple presentation layers based on the same business layer:
Consider splitting your presentation
layer in “sub” areas.
- Dimension Column Order:
Try to have the column in the same
order as your hierarchy: Year > Quarter > Month > Week > Date or
Business Line > Brand > Product
- Special characters:
Special HTML characters {< > /
} should be avoided in the object names. Not ever browser can render them
- Metadata dictionary
Have a well maintained metadata
dictionary in place:
Remember in OBIEE11G you have to redeploy the metadata dictionary after each RPD
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