Multi-Source Session Variables in OBIEE11g RPD – Get values from
multiple sources
In addition to supporting regular
session variables that are populated from one data source, In
version, the Oracle Business Intelligence also supports session variables that
can be populated from multiple data sources.
These multi-source session
variables can be used in logical queries or in repository data filters, and
contain the union of values from the different data sources. There is no
restriction on the number of values that the multi-source session variable can
hold. To create a multi-source session variable, you first create row-wise
initialization blocks for each source.
Then, you explicitly define session
variables for each source. The format for the session variable names must be:
- <ms_variable_name>____<source>
where the separator must be exactly four underscore characters.
This automatically creates a single
multi-source session variable, named:
- <ms_variable_name>
The component session variable names
(<ms_variable_name>____<source>) appear separately in the Variable
Manager in the Administration Tool, but the Expression Builder displays only
the single multi-source session variable name (<ms_variable_name>).
While the main focus of this section
is on the definition and usage of multi-source session
variables, you may also select the VALUEOF
the component session variables in logical queries and data filters.
If any of the row-wise
initialization blocks returns null results, this is logged in the Oracle BI
Server log, nqserver.log. Values can still be added to the multi-source session
variable from other component initialization blocks that succeed in returning
values. The multi-source session variable will fail only if all of the
component initialization blocks return null values.
You can set execution precedence and
deferred execution with multi-source session variables, similar to regular
session variables.
Example to Illustrate the Creation and Usage of Multi-Source
Session Variables
The following example illustrates
how to create and use a multi-source session variable:
In the Variable Manager in the
Administration Tool, select Action > New > Session >
Initialization Block.
Create a row-wise initialization
block called ‘Extra_products_orcl_init’ with the following SQL
for Default initialization string:
distinct ‘MSVPRODUCTS____orcl’,PROD_NAME from extra_products
Create a second row-wise initialization
block called ‘SampleApp_Products_init’ with the following SQL
for Default initialization string:
distinct ‘MSVPRODUCTS____OBI‘,”Sample App Lite Data”…”D10
Product”.”Prod_Dsc” AS “Prod_Dsc” from “Sample App Lite Data”…”D10 Product”
Still in the Variable Manager,
select Action > New > Session > Variable.
Create a session variable called MSVPRODUCTS____orcl,
making sure to include four underscores between the variable name and the
source name. And select the initialization block called Extra_products_orcl_init.
Create a second session variable
called MSVPRODUCTS____OBI, making sure to include four underscores
between the variable name and the source name. And select the
initialization block called SampleApp_Products_init.
While the component session variables appear in the Variable Manager, the multi-source session variable that has been created, MSVPRODUCTS, will appear in Expression Builder.
Using the Multi-Source Session Variable in a Logical Query:
You can now use the multi-source
session variable MSVPRODUCTS in a logical query.
For example:
Select “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product Type”,”SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Brand”,”SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product” from “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products” where “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product”=VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.MSVPRODUCTS)
Select “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product Type”,”SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Brand”,”SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product” from “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products” where “SampleApp Lite”.”D1 Products”.”Product”=VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.MSVPRODUCTS)
Using the Multi-Source Session Variable in a Data Filter:
To use the multi-source session
variable MSVPRODUCTS in a data filter, perform the following steps:
In the Administration Tool, select Manage,
then select Identity.
In the Identity Manager dialog, in
the tree pane, select BI Repository.
In the right pane, select the
Application Roles tab, then double-click the application role for which you
want to set data filters.
In the Application Role dialog,
click Permissions.
In the User/Application Role
Permissions dialog, click the Data Filters tab.
In the Data Filters tab, create the
data filter expression:
Note that the Expression Builder, as
shown in the image that follows, displays only the multi-source session
variable MSVPRODUCTS, and not the regular session variables that were
used during the creation of the multi-source session variable.
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