ls : List of file and directories presente in the current working directory.
ls <path> : dIsplay the files directories in the given path.
Ls –a : display all the files and directories including hidden files and directories
// Note : Any file or directory name atart with ‘.’ Get the hidden property (it is useful to disable the primary visibility)
Ls –l (or) ll : Display the long list information.
Ls –s : Size in blocks
Ls –r : Display the list in filenames decending order.
Ls –t : Display the files in modification date order (recent – old).
Ls –t –r : Display files in modification date order (old – recent).
Ls –i : Display the Inode no
Ls –l filename : Display the properties of the given file.
Ls –l directory : Display the properties of all the file and directories in the given directory.
Ls –l –d filename/directoryname : Display the properties of given file or directory
Stat filename/directoryname : Detailed information of the given file or directory.
File file/directoryname : Type of the content present in the given file.
Tree directory : Given directory structure in a moderate view.
Tree –d directory : Given directory structure with only directories.
I. Wildcard Characters :
space : Useful to provide the multiple files as List
ls –l –d <filename> Desktop.
? : Represent single wild card Character
*: Represents multiple wild card characters
Ex : Display the list of files start with ab
Ls –ld ab*
Ques: Display the list of file having second character as a?
Ls –ld ?a*
a-z / A-Z / 0-9 : Represents the range
Ex : Display the list of files start with m or n or p or q
Ls –ld m* n* p* q* / ls –ld [m-q]*
Du <directoryname> : Total memory usage of the directory
Du –s <directoryname> : Display the summarised size
Du –s –h : Display the size in human readable format (KB/MB/GB).
Dc :Desktop calculator
12 23 + p -> // 35
P -> prints the output
Q -> quit.
Bc : Bench calculator
Q -> close.
; -> useful to execute multiple commands at a time
Date; cal; who
Printf “text” : Display the text on the screen
\n \t : use to print the new line and tab space
Printf “Today date is $(command)” : Display the given text along with the given command output.
Printf “today date is $(date) and machine name is $(hostname)”
Echo “text” : Display the text on the screen (move to newline)
II. Directory commands:
2 types of paths
1. Absolute path : path start from /.
This path is same to access the same directory from anywhere in the file system.
2. Relative path : Path start from current working directory.
This path works only from the current working directory
1. Change the directory
Mkdir directoryname
Mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4………
Mkdir “directiryname” / mkdir directory\ name
Mkdir path / directoryname
Mkdir path / {dir1,dir2,dir3, . . .}
Mkdir –p path : create the given path
2. Change the directory :
Cd path : change to given directory path
Cd . . : move to parent directory of the current working directory
Cd - : move to previous working directory
Cd : move to user login directory.
3. Move and rename :
Mv srcdirname dstdirname
Mv dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4 dir5 . . .
Case 1 : Destination directory does not exist (rename)
Rename the source directory with the destination directory.
Case 2 : Destination directory Exists (cut and paste)
Move the source directory with the destination directory
4. Copy the directory
Cp –r srcdirname dstdirname
Cp –r dir1 dir2 dir3 …
Case 1 : Destination directory does not exist
Create the copy of the source directory with the name of destination directory
Case 2 : Destination directory Exists
Create another copy of source in destination directory.
5. Remove the directory
Rmdir dir1 dir2 dir3 . . .
Note : It can delete only empty directories
Rm –r –f dir1 dir2 dir3 . . .
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping us understand this topic. you have written it in a way that makes it
very simple to understand. Thanks you so much.
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