Thursday, March 7, 2013

[TABLEAU] Making A Multi-Master -Dashboard

Making a Multi-Master Dashboard

You may be familiar with Master-Detail dashboards, where selections in a master view filter and highlight values in a detail view. For example, you may have a sales map showing where sales have occured. Selecting marks on the map filters a Sales Detail text table that includes detailed information about the selected sales. In some cases, you may want to have multiple views act as the "master" in order to create a dashboard that has many different ways to filter the detailed data.

Create a dashboard

Create a dashboard that has two ore more higher level views (masters) and one detailed view. For example, the dashboard below has a bar chart showing product profitability by region, a map showing sales by state, and a text table with details on every order.

Use the dashboard as a filter

Now that you have created the dashboard, you need to specify which views are the masters. 

Step 1
Select one of the master views in the dashboard and click the drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner. On the menu, select Use as Filter

The Use as Filter option automatically creates a filter action that you can edit by selecting  Dashboard > Actions (in version 6.1 and earlier, select Edit > Actions).

Step 2
Open the menu again and select Ignore Actions.

The Ignore Actions command ensures that other filter actions do not affect this master view.

Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all of the master views in the dashboard.

When finished, selecting marks in a master view will filter the detail view without affecting the other masters. For example, in the dashboard below, select the Western region. Notice that the Order Details view is filtered to only show customers from the Western region while the map continues to show sales across the entire United States.


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